Join us for your next stay in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles.
Located in the heart of Eagle Rock.
Sed blandit vehicula justo, sit amet laoreet est. Pellentesque aliquam ultricies sagittis.
Ample Stree Parking
Loleta's wide street offers parking at anytime of day.
Mountain Views
Take in the beautiful vistas of the Verdugo Mountains.
High Speed Gigabit Internet
Blazing fast gigabit internet offers speeds of up to 1000MBps over a mesh network of wifi routers both inside the home and in the gardens.
Family Friendly
With a trampoline, playhouse and parks nearby there's plenty of fun for the kids.
Private Bath
The house has a recently updated private bath.
Well Appointed Kitchen
Modern kitchen with dishwasher, full size oven and refrigerator and more.
Washer & Dryer
Private use of laundry facilities located in the laundry room below the unit.
Private Entrance
Enter the guest house with your own private access.
Discounts available for longer stays.
- Private en-suite bathroom
- Top quality hotel-grade mattresses
- Crisp white linen
- Cozy down duvets
- Private en-suite bathroom
- Top quality hotel-grade mattresses
- Crisp white linen
- Cozy down duvets
- Two Bedrooms, One Bath
- Top quality hotel-grade mattresses
- Crisp white linen
- Cosy down duvets
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur maximus, lacus sed condimentum porttitor, odio mauris euismod urna, eu porttitor velit lectus et nisl. Cras rhoncus tellus in risus elementum condimentum. Vivamus nulla eros, lobortis id fermentum a, blandit vel neque. Duis sit amet tempus ex, sed dignissim turpis. Aenean mollis elit lectus, eget suscipit orci lobortis id. Nam malesuada quam eget nisl finibus, id hendrerit augue mattis. Fusce elementum mollis mauris, sit amet consequat sem ornare in. Etiam ultrices quam in scelerisque cursus. Donec et lorem magna. Nunc eu urna mattis, vestibulum est id, varius neque. Nulla venenatis, sapien vel eleifend placerat, urna lacus fringilla diam, sed fringilla enim mauris sit amet odio.